Sunday, November 30, 2014

Interview with Eireann!

Our 9th interview is with:


1.  How old are you? 



2.  How long have you been dancing?  When did you start dancing at SRBA?

2 years       age 9

3.  What is your favorite ballet?

The Nutcracker



4.  What is your favorite style of dance other than ballet?


5.  What is your favorite step/position?


6.  What is your favorite part of class?

When we go to the center

7.  If you are en pointe, what type of pointe shoes do you wear?

. . . not on pointe yet, but I am hoping.

8.  What part(s) are you most excited to dance in our upcoming production of Nutcracker?  Why?

I am excited to dance as a "Party Girl" this year.  Last year I was a "Party Child" and I was on stage, but didn't get to dance a lot.  "Party Girls" have much more actual ballet dancing!

9.  What is the most important item in your dance bag?

My dance shoes

10.  What do you love most about ballet?

The thing that I love most about ballet is . . . all of it.  Mostly being able to express emotions thru dancing.

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