Sunday, November 30, 2014

Interview with Eireann!

Our 9th interview is with:


1.  How old are you? 



2.  How long have you been dancing?  When did you start dancing at SRBA?

2 years       age 9

3.  What is your favorite ballet?

The Nutcracker



4.  What is your favorite style of dance other than ballet?


5.  What is your favorite step/position?


6.  What is your favorite part of class?

When we go to the center

7.  If you are en pointe, what type of pointe shoes do you wear?

. . . not on pointe yet, but I am hoping.

8.  What part(s) are you most excited to dance in our upcoming production of Nutcracker?  Why?

I am excited to dance as a "Party Girl" this year.  Last year I was a "Party Child" and I was on stage, but didn't get to dance a lot.  "Party Girls" have much more actual ballet dancing!

9.  What is the most important item in your dance bag?

My dance shoes

10.  What do you love most about ballet?

The thing that I love most about ballet is . . . all of it.  Mostly being able to express emotions thru dancing.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Interview with Aubrey!

Our 8th interview is with:


1.  How old are you? 



2.  How long have you been dancing?  When did you start dancing at SRBA?

I've been dancing since I was six, and I started at SRBA four years ago, when I was nine.

3.  What is your favorite ballet?

Chopiniana and Swan Lake



4.  What is your favorite style of dance other than ballet?


5.  What is your favorite step/position?

Piqué turns

6.  What is your favorite part of class?

Turns across the floor, and grand allegro

7.  If you are en pointe, what type of pointe shoes do you wear?


8.  What part(s) are you most excited to dance in our upcoming production of Nutcracker?  Why?

Waltz of the flowers, because I've never performed it before.

9.  What is the most important item in your dance bag?

Altoids and socks.

10.  What do you love most about ballet?

I love the familiarity of ballet, and the fact that you can do the same step over and over again for years, and never perfect it.  You can come into a ballet class anywhere in the world, and usually count on starting
with pliés and tendus, and working your way up to pirouettes and grand jetés.  Everything has a name and a correct way to do it.  I love how no matter how long you take ballet, you can always make everything better. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Interview with Jackie!

Our 7th interview is with:


1.  How old are you? 

9 years old


2.  How long have you been dancing?  When did you start dancing at SRBA?

I have been dancing for 4 years and I joined SRBA in the summer of 2013.

3.  What is your favorite ballet?

I love to participate in the Nutcracker show.



4.  What is your favorite style of dance other than ballet?

I love hip-hop and contemporary.

5.  What is your favorite step/position?


6.  What is your favorite part of class?

I love it when we are in the corner doing steps to the other corner.

7.  If you are en pointe, what type of pointe shoes do you wear?

I am not en pointe yet. 

8.  What part(s) are you most excited to dance in our upcoming production of Nutcracker?  Why?

I REALLY REALLY want to be a party girl and I can't wait to learn our funky dance moves as Polichinelle!

9.  What is the most important item in your dance bag?

My ballet slippers of course. 

10.  What do you love most about ballet?

Whenever I dance, I look so pretty when I glance at myself in the mirror.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Interview with Mia!

Our 6th interview is with:


1.  How old are you? 

I am 13.


2.  How long have you been dancing?  When did you start dancing at SRBA?

Ten years.  I took my first ballet class at age 3 and have never stopped.  I began with Sultanov at age 11.

3.  What is your favorite ballet?

My favorite ballet to dance in so far is Nutcracker.  My other favorite ballets are Swan Lake, Cinderella and Midsummer Nights Dream.  



4.  What is your favorite style of dance other than ballet?

My favorite dance style other than ballet is contemporary. 

5.  What is your favorite step/position?

My favorite step/position is Pirouettes!

6.  What is your favorite part of class?

My favorite part of class is center work.

7.  If you are en pointe, what type of pointe shoes do you wear?

I wear Bloch Euro balance.

8.  What part(s) are you most excited to dance in our upcoming production of Nutcracker?  Why?

I'm most excited to dance the part of Ballerina Doll in this year's Nutcracker.  I've dreamed of doing this for a long time.  I'm also excited about my other roles of Waltz of Flowers and Chinese.  Chinese is really fun!

9.  What is the most important item in your dance bag?

The most important thing in my dance bag is a water bottle and of course my shoes. 

10.  What do you love most about ballet?

What I love most about ballet is being able to express myself through movement and communicating a story to the audience . . . without words!


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Interview with Catherine!

Our fifth interview is with:


1.  How old are you? 



2.  How long have you been dancing?  When did you start dancing at SRBA?

I started dancing when I was 2 with local studios in Salem, OR.  At the Salem studios, I took ballet, hip hop, jazz, lyrical, and Irish because I just wanted to move.  Ultimately, I wanted to focus on just ballet, so I joined SRBA when I was 8.

3.  What is your favorite ballet?

My favorite ballets are Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, and Midsummer Nights Dream.



4.  What is your favorite style of dance other than ballet?

I love dancing Jazz.

5.  What is your favorite step/position?

My favorite step is a pirouette, chaines, pique turns . . . anything that allows me to travel and spin.

6.  What is your favorite part of class?

My favorite part of class is across the floor.

7.  If you are en pointe, what type of pointe shoes do you wear?

I'm not on pointe yet, but can't wait to be!

8.  What part(s) are you most excited to dance in our upcoming production of Nutcracker?  Why?

I'm excited to dance the Party Girls because my brother, my dad, and I are all in the same scene, and it's such a special scene.  I also like the Polichennelles because I feel like my job is to bring laughter to the audience.  I am also happy to be a Soldier because I can pretend I am a toy soldier, and it's acting, which I like.

9.  What is the most important item in your dance bag?

The most important item in my dance bag is what I need to dance:  my leotard, tights, and ballet shoes. 

10.  What do you love most about ballet?

Ballet is the start to learning so many other dances.  When I am dancing ballet, I feel like I am completely me, and that there is no one else around me.  When I work hard, I see my accomplishments, and that makes me feel good.  When I dance, I share my happiness. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Level 2 YAGP Rehearsal

The students are doing well and have been working hard.  The costumes have now been ordered for the dances. 

All YAGP participants will perform their dances in full costume on dress rehearsal night on 12/22 at PSU's Lincoln Hall.  All friends, family, and SRBA students are invited to attend this special performance before the competition in Seattle.  

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Interview with Ashley!

Our fourth interview is with:


1.  How old are you? 

13 years old


2.  How long have you been dancing?  When did you start dancing at SRBA?

3 years

3 years

3.  What is your favorite ballet?




4.  What is your favorite style of dance other than ballet?

Lyrical and contemporary

5.  What is your favorite step/position?


6.  What is your favorite part of class?

Across the floor (turns leaps)

7.  If you are en pointe, what type of pointe shoes do you wear?

Grishko 2007

8.  What part(s) are you most excited to dance in our upcoming production of Nutcracker?  Why?

Dolls because it's really fun, and cause I get to do it with my best friend (Mia).

9.  What is the most important item in your dance bag?

Shoes (of course), hairbrush phone

10.  What do you love most about ballet?

Getting to perform on stage with my friends.