Saturday, November 22, 2014

Interview with Aubrey!

Our 8th interview is with:


1.  How old are you? 



2.  How long have you been dancing?  When did you start dancing at SRBA?

I've been dancing since I was six, and I started at SRBA four years ago, when I was nine.

3.  What is your favorite ballet?

Chopiniana and Swan Lake



4.  What is your favorite style of dance other than ballet?


5.  What is your favorite step/position?

Piqué turns

6.  What is your favorite part of class?

Turns across the floor, and grand allegro

7.  If you are en pointe, what type of pointe shoes do you wear?


8.  What part(s) are you most excited to dance in our upcoming production of Nutcracker?  Why?

Waltz of the flowers, because I've never performed it before.

9.  What is the most important item in your dance bag?

Altoids and socks.

10.  What do you love most about ballet?

I love the familiarity of ballet, and the fact that you can do the same step over and over again for years, and never perfect it.  You can come into a ballet class anywhere in the world, and usually count on starting
with pliés and tendus, and working your way up to pirouettes and grand jetés.  Everything has a name and a correct way to do it.  I love how no matter how long you take ballet, you can always make everything better. 

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